June 5, 2009

Ch Ch Ch Changeling

Very strange...the fact that this phenomena actually exists is beyond my imagination. A changeling is a child surreptitiously or unintentionally substituted for another. Really? That happens? Either way, what I really want to talk about is the movie. Plain and simply, I liked it. I’m not the biggest Angie Jo fan, but I believed her. I really did. She was good. Yeah, she’s purty. Very. But I don’t really give a shit about that. I'm going to hate myself for saying this, but she is a damn good actor. I’m glad she didn’t win the Oscar, but she deserved to be nominated. There. Said it. I suppose the reason being is I hate jumping on a bandwagon, revering celebrity, conforming to that system, if you will. However, as far as I’m concerned, she was Christine Collins, and now I need to know more about this true story. I love the story. I love the setting. The acting is superb. The score is amazing and really helped me feel the movie. And, and, and...and Amy Ryan is in it. Ever since The Wire, I've loved her. Watch Gone Baby Gone too. She was nominated for an Oscar. You'll like it.

(Did rollerskating telephone operators really exist in the 40's?)

1 comment:

  1. Yes they did! Isn't that crazy? We must have watched this about the same day. If you have the DVD, you can watch the special feature "Angie Jo becomes Christine Collins" or something like that. I loved the costumes.

    Also I have not seen Buttons yet, but I plan to. I can't wait to see if I hate it as much as you. Commercial success in movies is BS as far as I'm concerned, and the Oscars are basically a joke. It's so political. I'm obsessed with the indies and obscure films you can get on Netflix Watch Instant. I love when the cast isn't recognizable.
